Tag Archives: Pbbank

Public Bank

My first purchase in 2015 is PBBANK. I bought 500 units at RM17.80 and its shares likely to go down again due to bank negara introduces new base rate which increases the competitiveness in the banking sectors.

And it is also due to the market sentiment, making most of the stocks will continue to head south. Good news to me that i can start to accumulate more and average down.

Share Trading Account

My first trading account was opened in year 2003 with OSK and started to trade since then. That time, I only buy finance sector shares. I remembered I bought few shares of Public Bank, RHBCAP and AMMB. But I sold the Public Bank shares during the market correction in 2004 and kept the other two shares. I feel regretted that I sold the Public Bank shares for not buy and hold the shares. Continue reading